Gum disease is the cause of more lost teeth than anything else in the United States. That means untreated gum disease can mess up your smile and interfere with your ability to eat. Please keep that in mind when you are brushing your teeth this evening, and remember to floss between your teeth, too. We … Continue reading The Right Way To Recover From Gum Recession
As you can tell from our name, we place a lot of emphasis on treating gum disease and replacing missing teeth in our practice. Nevertheless, we would much rather help our patients prevent those problems, which is why we offer professional dental cleanings and examinations as well. We recommend a cleaning every few months to … Continue reading Practice Prevention Of Periodontal Problems
A beautiful smile is easy to imagine. We see them in celebrity magazines, in movies, and on television practically every day. You’ve seen countless actors on the red carpet flashing their bright white, perfectly straight teeth for the cameras. What’s missing from this description? Gums. You may know someone who has a “gummy smile.” You … Continue reading Are Your Gums Hurting Your Smile?
You probably don’t like to think about it. You may not want to admit that it is a problem. But it is … for you and for the people around you. You have bad breath. Halitosis is the technical term. You’ve tried mouthwash. You’ve tried chewing gum and mints. You even tried those breath strips … Continue reading Is Gum Disease Causing Your Bad Breath?
Diabetes and periodontal disease are extremely common throughout the United States, but did you know that having one puts you at higher risk for having the other? According to the American Diabetes Association, 1.7 million people are diagnosed with diabetes every year in the United States. Nearly 30 million Americans are living with diabetes, while … Continue reading Periodontal Disease And Diabetes | Phoenix, AZ