Have you ever read a news article and felt like you weren’t getting the whole story? Many times situations are more complicated than what can be summarized in a couple hundred words. That’s true if you are reading the news or blog post about dental issues. Nevertheless, we are going to address a topic that … Continue reading Oral Surgery Could Help With Your Dentures
Losing your teeth can be an emotionally draining experience. At first, you may not believe that it has happened. Then you may be angry at yourself for letting it happen. When you look back, it’s easy to see what you should have done differently to save your teeth before it got to this point. Then, … Continue reading How Soon Do You Want To Rebuild Your Smile?
If you have read out previous posts, then you know we are advocates of dental implants. Even if you haven’t, then you probably realize it from our name — Dental Implants and Periodontology of Arizona. We have studied dental implants, and we have seen the benefits firsthand for our patients. Implants don’t just make your … Continue reading How To Can Get Faster Results From Implants